Other Services

CCFS provides a variety of other services to include: case management, consultation, training, polygraph examinations, and the Abel Assessment.

Case Management/Coordination

Case management/coordination for civil or custody cases involving sexual abuse or potential sexual abuse. This service helps resolve custody/visitation cases where there have been allegations of sexual abuse or some type of risk related to identified sexual behavior. It involves the coordination of all the services and professionals who have a stake in the case, including making decisions about expanding/restricting time between the parties and controlling the timing of any reunification.

Polygraph Examinations

CCFS provides polygraph examinations as a tool for some of our assessment and treatment services. Types of exams provided include instant offense, specific issue, sexual history, and maintenance/monitoring. A written report is provided summarizing the information revealed and the actual results of the exam.

ABEL Assessment

The ABEL Assessment for Sexual Interest™(AASI) is an assessment that uses both objective (beyond awareness) and subjective (self-report) data to measure an individual’s sexual interest to various stimuli. This instrument is utilized as both an assessment and treatment tool to provide data related to a client’s sexual interests and attitudes. The information gathered from the instrument is summarized in a written report.

Expert Testimony/Court Appearances

CCFS clinicians are able to provide testimony as fact witnesses in cases where we have provided services. In addition, some CCFS clinicians are qualified to provide expert testimony in a number of areas including intrafamilial and extrafamilial sexual abuse, sexual victimization, sexual disorders, sexual-offender assessment and treatment, psychosexual evaluations, and risk assessments.

Professional Consultation/Training

Members of the CCFS staff are available to provide consultation and/or training to professionals, organizations, or laypeople on a variety of topics associated with the treatment and management of sex offenders, family sexual abuse, and sexual victimization/exploitation.